
Well Testing of The First Exploration Well of Muara Laboh Project

Dec, 13 2012
By: Admin
In: News Release


South Solok, West Sumatera – December 13, 2012. On this day, the Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) was accompanied by some officials in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to a visit the site of a geothermal exploration drilling in the working area of  Liki Pinangawan Muara Laboh, South Solok Regency, West Sumatera Province, owned by PT Supreme Energy Muara Laboh (SEML).  This visit was well received by the Regent of South Solok, H. Muzni Zakaria, M. Eng, Muspida of South Solok, Executive Managing Officer of PT SEML – Triharyo Indrawan Soesilo as well as members of SEML management.

This visit aimed to seeing directly the development of geothermal projects of  SEML, which had done well testing ML-A1 (the first exploration well test).  The testing itself, was intended to measure the potential of the well, and also to know the characteristics of the reservoir fluid.  The data resulted from the activity was necessary to determine the economic value and the capacity of the ML-A1.  After the first exploration of ML-A1 well,  the exploration drilling was targetted for exploitation and exploration drillings in the 2nd well, which was planned to be conducted on 15 December 2012.

Drillings of ML-A1 and ML-B1 wells were a series of 4-6 well drilling explorations wells in order to prove that existence of geothermal sources are enough to build a geothermal project of 2X110MW in this working area.  For the duration of exploration drilling activities ranged from 6 to 9 months.

The Deputy Minister's visit was a form of Government support to SEML to construct PLTP in South Solok that will be able to assist the Government in supplying the electricity needs later in the area of Sumatera.


The geothermal project of Liki Pinangawan Muara Laboh is a National Project, and included in the Acceleration of the Power Plant Construction Project 10,000 MW Phase II based on the Presidential Regulation No. 4 Year 2010 juncto Presidential Regulation No. 48 Year 2011.

This visit ended with a symbolic event of Trambesi tree-planting by the Deputy Minister of ESDM, the Regent of South Solok, Muspida of South Solok, the ESDM officials and the management of SEML. The trambesi tree planting is one of the greening programs of the Forestry Authorities of South Solok in cooperation with SEML. The purpose of this activity is to safeguard the sustainability of the surrounding forests and to improve especially the environment around the site supported by SEML and in South Solok Regency in general.

SEML is committed to carrying out activities with attention to the occupational safety and health as well as environmental protection, optimizing domestic production and implementing community empowerment program that focuses on the areas of education and health, infrastructure improvements, as well as the surrounding community economic empowerment.