
The Issuance of The Borrow-Use of Protected Forest Area Permit (IPPKH) of Gunung Rajabasa

May, 20 2014
By: Admin
In: News Release

Jakarta, May 12, 2014. Finally the IPPKH for geothermal exploration of PT Supreme Energy Rajabasa (SERB) has been issued by the Minister of Forestry on April 25th 2014 based on the Minister of Forest’s Decision Letter (SK).422/Menhut-II /2014. By the issuance of this IPPKH, SERB has completed all the necessary permits to begin its exploration activities in the Geothermal Working Area of Gunung Rajabasa, as in accordance with the prevailing rules and regulations. President Director of SERB, Triharyo Indrawan Soesilo, stated "With the granting of all permits that is required by the rules and regulations and with the support of all parties, PT Supreme Energy Rajabasa ready to begin the exploration activities”.

Exploration activities will be performed for three years. This year, SERB will conduct civil construction of the infrastructure, and the exploration drilling of geothermal wells is targeted to be conduct in early next year. If the exploration results are feasible to be developed, the next activity will be the development of electricity and the production starts in 2018.

Before start the exploration activities, SERB will cooperate with the Government of South Lampung to conduct socialization of the activities to the youth leaders, community leaders, religious leaders, and community representatives.

Gunung Rajabasa Geothermal Project is a National Project, and is included in the list of second stage power plant construction acceleration program of 10,0000MW as governed under the Presidential Decree Number 4 of 2010jo regulation no 48 of 2011. Therefore, support from all parties i.e. Central Government, Local Government, community and all stakeholders are needed. Geothermal project is very important for the national interest so that covered in the Article 37 of the Geothermal Law UU.27/2003