
The First Spud in Well Drilling RD-B1 Geothermal Working Area Rantau Dedap

Feb, 6 2014
By: Admin
In: News Release

PT Supreme Energy Rantau Dedap (SERD) conducted the First Spud-in Exploration Drilling RD-B1 Geothermal Working Area Rantau Dedap on last February 3rd 2014 located at Muara Enim Regency, Lahat Regency and Pagar Alam City, South Sumatra Province. Well Drilling RD-B1 is a series of 5-7 drilling exploration wells in the Geothermal Working Area, to prove the existence of geothermal resources, is sufficient to build a geothermal power plant with the capacity of 220 MW. Period for this exploration drilling will be ranged between 6 to 12 months.

This ceremony was attended by the Regent of Muara Enim, Government Officials from Sumatera Selatan Province; Muara Enim Regency; Lahat Regency; The City of Pagar Alam, Geothermal Director of EBTKE, PLN Offcials, Ministry of Finance’s Officials, President Commissioner of SERD, President, Presdent CEO of SERD along with SERD Representatives.


Prior to exploration drilling conducted, PT SERD has done a preliminary survey, and a very comprehensive study that was followed by the construction of roads and construction of the well site as needed. If this exploration drilling successfully resulting as expected, then next activity will be followed with the well testing activity and resource confirmation that will be presented into a feasibility study. The feasibility study will be used for engineering design, and tender for EPC (the construction of production facilities, power plants, etc), and continuing the production and injection wells drilling.

With the target capacity of 2 x 110 MW, the construction is expected to be completed in 2018. The electricity generated by geothermal power will be dispatched to PT PLN (Persero) based on a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 30 years.

In the implementation of this project, PT SERD is fully appreciated for the support given by local government, provincial government of South Sumatera, Muara Enim Regency, Lahat Regency and The city of Pagar Alam, as well as the community support, so that the activities run smoothly. PT SERD always maintains and establishes an intensive communication with local government and communities through awareness socialization that conducted periodically.

Before entering the exploration phase PT SERD has conducted several socialization in several places, including conducting a comparative study with the community leaders, village chiefs, young leader who is a representative of the Muara Enim Regency, Lahat Regency and Pagar Alam City in September 2013. PT SERD also  has implemented several community development programs for the surrounding project area, although PT SERD is not in the production phase.