
Supreme Energy Muara Laboh awarded by the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources in Subroto Award 2022

Mar, 8 2023
By: Admin
In: News Release

Awards and recognition is something everyone always cherish. It motivates and encourage people for improvement and keep making impactful changes. Supreme Energy Muara Laboh (SEML) are immensely honored to have the work of our SHE implementation recognized by Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources in Subroto Award this year. We were absolutely honored to receive:

• Aditama Rank on Safety and Health and Geothermal Engineering Performance Assessment of Production Working Area category (Peringkat Aditama dalam penilaian kinerja Penerapan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dan Keteknikan Panas Bumi untuk kategori Wilayah Kerja Berproduksi)

• Aditama Rank on Environment Pollution and / Damage Control Performance of Production Working Area category (Peringkat Aditama dalam penilaian Kinerja Pengendalian Pencemaran dan/ Kerusakan Lingkungan untuk Wilayah Kerja Berproduksi)

During the awarding night, our CEO, Pak Nisriyanto also signed “SHE & Geothermal Engineering Principle Commitment Implementation” with other Geothermal companies present on the event.

Congratulations to entire SEML team. Well done for all the effort and work undertaken this year!