
Founder & Chairman

Supramu Santosa

Founder & Chairman

Considering the huge potential in Indonesia’s Geothermal Energy business supported by the government programs to meet fast growing energy demand and to develop a cleaner and more environmentally friendly energy mix, PT Supreme Energy was established in October 2007 with a focus on the development of geothermal power businesses.

Following a comprehensive “preliminary survey” of three highly prospective geothermal resources in Sumatra, Supreme Energy successfully secured the IUP (Mining Business License)/ IPB (Geothermal License) for all three areas with support and participation from the international partners through joint ventures.

Being the pioneer of geothermal exploration and development in Indonesia, after the enactment of the Geothermal law no 27/2003, we have proactively participated and contributed to enhancing geothermal business development opportunities in Indonesia through active roles in numerous initiatives and task forces in formulating policies and procedures to facilitate basis for the Government to promote the industry.

Supreme Energy has made significant progress in the development of the projects. In March and December 2012 Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) were signed between Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) and PT. Supreme Energy Muara Laboh (SEML), PT. Supreme Energy Rajabasa (SERB), and PT. Supreme Energy Rantau Dedap (SERD). At the same time, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia issued the Government Guarantee for the projects. Each PPA is for the sale and purchase of 220 MW for 30 years. Following the signing of the PPAs, Supreme Energy performs various activities aggressively.

SEML completed the exploration drilling program in 2013, Feasibility Study (FS) in 2014 and completed the EPC tender that confirming the project can be developed with capacity 80 MW (Phase I). SEML has received a tariff adjustment from PT PLN (Persero) in February 2016 and reach financial close in March 2017. SERD completed the exploration program in 2015, completed the FS in early 2016 and following SEML’s milestone, SERD is currently in finalization of tariff adjustment with PT PLN (Persero). Through SERB, Supreme Energy completed the civil works for the jetty construction in 2015, and currently SERB is reviewing the drilling model for the exploration phase. Supreme Energy has also been working very closely with the local governments and communities to assure their full supports in geothermal development.

Aside from difficult challenges and uncertainties we have faced in the past nine years, we are now ready to make progress towards achieving our aspiration to become the leading geothermal energy company in Indonesia. This accomplishment will be possible only with persistent and focused efforts of all our employees, high commitment to technical excellence and professionalism, and full support from local and central governments. Having successfully achieved several project milestones and having the partnership with and support from leading international investors, we confidently continue our journey towards providing a bright sustainable energy future for Indonesia, beneficial to all stakeholders.